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6 comments on GREENE

  • jamesdumas GREENE is available on
  • hermancosenza Ok, thanks.
  • jamesdumas In addition to voting in the fantasy casting, remember to add a review in Amazon after reading GREENE. Bottom line: is there enough "grass roots" interest to show GREENE live on Broadway and/or video like Netflix?
  • jamesdumas Happy National Underdog Day and Bill of Rights Day! General Nathanael Greene may be the best underdog story ever lived since his army was outnumbered by Cornwallis' well trained army 9 to 1. Wihout Greene, there wouldn't be a Bill of Rights Day.
  • jamesdumas Happy Boston Tea Party 250th. Of course the little known Gaspee Affair in little Rhode Island happened a year and a half earlier, June 9 1772. It took ten grueling years after the Tea Party to win independence, Sept 3 1783, thanks to patriots like Nathanael Greene.
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