In this grotesque art-house picture, two captives escape their holders in a dry desert. Their odyssey has just started.
All inspirations: "Dune" (2021), "Year One" (but WAY less trashy), "Kick-Ass", Nation of Islam, Five-Percent Nation, "Don Quixote", the more
In this grotesque art-house picture, two captives escape their holders in a dry desert. Their odyssey has just started.
All inspirations: "Dune" (2021), "Year One" (but WAY less trashy), "Kick-Ass", Nation of Islam, Five-Percent Nation, "Don Quixote", the Bible.
peterjudge04Detailed synopsis: In an unspecific past, a colony of white captives are being escorted through a dry Middle-Eastern desert by black Ottoman-like soldiers led by General Monk-Monk. Eros and Mario, two of the captives, plan to escape, even though the General understood their intentions and keeps and eye on them. Still, during a brief break at an oasis, the two captives reach to escape in the dry desert. They meet Musa, a black hermit who offers to help them, making water still from rocks and then making dead quails falling from the sky, giving them drink and water. The hermit then indicates Mario and Eros a way to a free, fertile land: Palestine. However, they reach the still-desert country in the middle of a battle between the Hebrew army and a coalition of the Babylonian and Philistine armies. The Hebrews are led by noble knightess Sharya and her best friend and assistant, Arabian General Khalid. The Hebrews win and the two captives are welcomed in their camp by the knightess. Mario, who is the more naïve between the two of them, falls in love with her, and she loves him back. They make love in Sharya’s tent. However, that same night the Ancient times-like Hebrew soldiers are attacked by a modern warfare militia of black guerrillas. Mario is killed. Eros, who is the sharper and the smarter of the duo, tries to escape, but he’s held as a captive by a young black female sergeant named Robyn Williams. Initially hating her, Eros falls madly in love with the woman, highly impressed by her battle skills. Robyn gives back his affection, and decides to keep him as her male concubine while her and her troop travel back home.
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