The film takes place 40 years after the original events in 1980. The sequels (Friday the 13th Part 2 through Freddy vs. Jason) and the 2009 remake did not occur. The new film completely ignores them. Camp Crystal Lake has been shutdown and condemned by the state after the 1980 murders. The story of Mrs. Voorhees and her son has became a household tale throughout the town of Crystal Lake, New Jersey. Other than a few intoxicated teenagers, nobody has tried to even come close to the Camp. After 40 years of normal behavior in-and-around the camp location, the State decides to lift their ban on the site. The only living victim from the murders, Alice Hardy, still lives in the town. She has suffered from nightmares and is continuously haunted by that night. She pleads to the Mayor, Charles Avery, and Sheriff Lynch to keep the Camp closed. The entire town sees Alice as unstable and psychotic. The town sales the camp site at auction to Dennis Wilks. Wilks is prepared to completely reconstruct the camp buildings and open the camp back up to the public within a year. He hires a woodsman, Tony Gilva, two painters, Whitney Cunningham and Dylan Greene, a gardener, Marci Jiltman, and a home designer from a local university, Lindsay Payne. Marci brings her stoner boyfriend, Max, to keep her company. All of the hired hands are between the ages of 18 and 28. While helping Wilks reconstruct the camp, the helpers are haunted by the voice of an elderly woman. The voice is eventually revealed to be of the spirit of Mrs. Voorhees. She is unable to remove the invaders from her sacred ground, so she must waken her son. Jason is brought forward by his mother. He is ordered to kill and make his mother happy. Jason first kills the woodsman, Tony Gilva, and steals his dark grey button-up shirt, his tan work pants, and his heavy construction boots. Before leaving, he grabs Tony's machete. The dis-formed and vulgar Jason then secretly kills the helpers one-by-one. Whitney Cunningham and Dennis Wilks are his last living victims. While Whitney is trying to escape for her life, Wilks, still unfair of the unfortunate events that have took place over the last couple of hours, is practicing his street hockey game on a concrete slap. Jason kills Wilks and takes his hockey mask. His last victim, Whitney Cunningham, puts up a fight. She is in a near death experience whenever Alice Hardy appears to her rescue. Alice stuns Jason with an ax, nearly chopping his hand off. Alice and Whitney retreat. Police and emergency crews arrive on the scene. Jason is nowhere to be found.
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