Fan Casting Emily Bennett as Snooty in Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality

connieblackwood made this fan casting suggestion on September 2, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Emily Bennett as Snooty in Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality

Emily BennettUnited Kingdom

91 years old
Emily Bennett is a British girl who is sent to America by her family to protect her from the intensity of the English battlefront during World War II. Originally a minor character temporarily resid...
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Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality

Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality

Yknow. Whatever.
by connieblackwood's better at this than me lol
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0 comments on Emily Bennett as Snooty in Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality

Emily Bennett has been suggested by fans for 76 roles on myCast, including Aemilius (Emil / Emile / Emily) in Characters by Name but I'm Excruciatingly Thorough. Similar actors include Molly McIntire, Nellie O'Malley, and Marie-Grace Gardner. Emily Bennett was suggested to play Snooty in Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality by connieblackwood. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Rarity, Sonia the Hedgehog, and Rouge the Bat. Fictional Characters by Animal Crossing Personality has 8 roles, including Peppy, Sisterly, and Normal.

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