Sisterly (アネキ aneki?, big sister) is a personality type introduced in New Leaf and a starting villager personality in New Horizons. Sisterly villagers are very caring towards the player and are less vain than snooty or peppy villagers, but they are also more blunt, straightforward, and tomboyish and may come across as rude on some occasions. Sisterly villagers will, when befriended, give the player fighting tips and teach them ways to relax. These villagers are tough but they still care deeply about their appearance. They have a tendency to stay up very late into the night. They will treat the player with respect and will even offer to fight off anyone that is giving the player trouble.
Fan Casting
Robin Crew (Flying)
Mia St. Clair
Carly Simmons (Flying)
Maggie Evans
Max Mayfield
Nicki Hoffman
Nanea Mitchell
Nancy Wheeler
Felicity Merriman
Nellie O'Malley
Kit Kittredge
Molly McIntire
Ivy Ling
Marisol Luna
Jess McConnell
McKenna Brooks
Grace Thomas
Maritza Ochoa
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