A new, over-the-top, high octane, neon-coated cyberpunk, action comedy racing story to help flesh out F-Zero's rather weak and nonsensical backstory, focusing more on the racing with an underground illegal sports gambling subplot.
Story centers around Rick Wheeler, an undercover police officer placed in with an F-Zero racing team, Team Apex; comprised of Jody Summer, Dr. Stewart, Tanaka, and Baba, replacing retired racer Silver Neelsen, by his superior, Commander McCloud, tasked with uncovering an underground gambling ring run by mafia boss Don Genie. Wheeler initially struggles to gain the trust of his racing team, but grows to earn their respect thru a series of race victories for the team over rival teams Team Samurai; comprising of Goroh, Guster, Brilliant, Blitz, and Buster. Team Nebula; comprising of Pico, Octoman, Draq, Gomar and Shioh. Team Beast; comprising of Beastman, Leon, Billy, Chain, and Dr. Clash. Team Arrow; comprising of Super Arrow, Mrs. Arrow, Lucy Liberty, Kate Alen, and Jack Levin. Team Shadow; comprising of Black Shadow, Rex, Gazelle, Skull, and Zoda, and the mysterious Team Falcon; comprised of a single pilot, the GOAT racer Captain Falcon, and his engineer, Mr. EAD.
over the course of the story Wheeler unravels a deeper conspiracy surrounding the gambling ring involving the kidnapping and replacing of Captain Falcon with a clone known as Blood Falcon by the true kingpin, Deathborn.
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