Fan CastingEscape From New York (2021)
A Remake With Respect
by Nicholas Lewandowski. Characters by John Carpenter.
Story added by nicklewandowski on July 10, 2021
Usually these kinds of classics being remotely mentioned in the same sentence as the word remake makes my blood boil. Most of these redo's and reboots feel as if the makers aren't fans or have no idea what they are working with. Otherwise how come so many fall short of being heralded as a decent movie?
I feel if its merited to remake it and you can cast it right can great. Forgive my sacrilege.
Here is my true blue remake casting call for 2021. The only reason I see fit to remake is that Kurt Russell has a son whom can do it some justice. Keeping it in the Russell name and have a Robert Rodriguez directing in actual New York more
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