Fan CastingThe Book of Judges
Biblical stories of self-confidence based on the Book of Judges in the Bible
by God
Story added by autobotsonicfan on June 3, 2024
Witness the lives of three important judges of Israel after the death of Joshua such as Ehud, Deborah, Gideon and Samson. See God's mercy as he lets the Moabites take control of Israel and 18 years later sends Ehud, a left-handed man in a show of mercy to His people. Gideon, whose family and education was weak and self-esteem severely low, saved the Israelites from the Midianites. And Samson, whose weakness was his hair for if he cut it, he's lose his powerful strength, and eventually sacrificing himself to defeat the Philistines. These judges are sent by God to deliver Israel from its enemies after they'd done evil after each judge had more
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