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Fan Casting Roles for Dead Space



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2 comments on Dead Space

  • jaredgrimm I'm a huge fan of the Dead Space games and would love to see this in theaters. I have put some of my suggestions in the cast and crew, but I don't know exactly what characters are truly planned to be put in place. It is common sense, but the background characters can't be fairly famous people, unlike what most of the suggestions are. Also its not a horror movie, it might be a scary game, but it's not a horror movie. It needs crew that helped create most Sci-fi movies. Great examples include Alien, Predator, Doom, District 9, etc... It needs the main characters from reality to fit characters from in game. If this movie does get created, reference the game a bit, maybe have some of the crew play it to let them get the feel for it. I followed the profile on this website; if you get green lighted, I'll leave another comment. I might be some nobody, but I love the Dead Space games and it would be a shame to ruin the games with a terrible movie.

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    • jaredgrimm   @jaredgrimm Also the characters would also depend on when the movie would take place. After the first game or the second game? It can't take place after the third for obvious reasons, unless you can somehow tie it up differently. Looking over the character list it has characters from all 3 games wich can't and will not work out. A lot of characters die in one of the games.