Fan Casting Rosario Dawson as Rouge the Bat in Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow

giacomooffredi made this fan casting suggestion on December 30, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Rosario Dawson as Rouge the Bat in Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow

Rosario DawsonUnited States

45 years old
Rosario Isabel Dawson (born May 9, 1979) is an American actress. She made her feature film debut in the 1995 independent drama Kids. Her subsequent film roles include He Got Game (1998), Josie and ...
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Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow

Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow

Now this is what i'm talking about
by Me, autobotsonicfan and giacomooffredi
Robotnik has awakened the ultimate lifeform, created by his own grandfather Gerald, so he could have him destroy Sonic and conquer Mobius once and for all. This might as well be his deadliest plot ...
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4 comments on Rosario Dawson as Rouge the Bat in Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow

  • giacomooffredi @autobotsonicfan Rouge: What was that for, Shadow? Don’t you feel any shame? Shadow: About what? Rouge: That owl back on Prison Island. Her blood is on you hands.

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    • giacomooffredi   @giacomooffredi @autobotsonicfan Shadow: that’s what she gets for getting in my way. Rouge:…What was that? Shadow: That’s what the Doctor wants. Don’t you see, Rouge? That hedgehog deserved to suffer for getting in my way, his friends deserved to suffer, G.U.N. deserved to suffer and this world deserves to suffer, after what they did! (Rouge feels so indignant she slaps shadow hard on his face)

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    • autobotsonicfan   @giacomooffredi Rouge: I learned about how much that owl you murdered meant to Sonic. He was orphaned months after being born, and she took him in ever since! Doesn't she remind you of anyone? (Shadow knew Rouge was right, but he didn't want to admit that what he did to Longclaw was the same thing Schmitz did to Maria. He DID feel remorse when he saw the similarities back on Prison Island. He even shed tears at that, but he teleported before anyone would notice) Rouge: And you won't BELIEVE who killed his parents. THE GUY WE'VE BEEN WORKING FOR!!! HE'S BEEN TERRORIZING THIS PLANET FOR 16 YEARS!!!!!!

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    • autobotsonicfan   @giacomooffredi He's not wrong about G.U.N. In the description Iput for Schmitz, Maria's murderer was the only one who didn't cheer for her death OR thought it was necessary. The rest of GUN did, though.

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Rosario Dawson is known for her roles in Seven Pounds, Death Proof, and Sin City. She has been suggested by fans for 4,525 roles on myCast, including Actresses. in The Most Attractive Celebrities. Similar actors include Zoe Saldaña, Tessa Thompson, and Scarlett Johansson. Rosario Dawson was suggested to play Rouge the Bat in Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow by giacomooffredi. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Angelina Jolie and Allegra Clark. Dawn of Sonic: Enter Shadow has 71 roles, including Second Post Credit scene, Random G.U.N officers, and Liscensed songs.

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