Fan CastingCaptain Marvel: The Flame of Revenge (4-Hour Cut)
Ultimate Edition
by Marvel Studios, DMG Entertainment (Some Original Stories)
Story added by thischosenone on April 8, 2022
8 years after Thanos war, the Avengers saving the world from danger so many times. However, they can't prevent the corrupted United States Government from set the invasions in somewhere. The leader Carol Danvers tried to stop the conspiracies (Sometimes from alien powers), sadly, nothing she finds. As Carol disappointed with the United States and the chaotic international society, she suddenly found out her cousin, also the best Avenger partner betrayed and joined the resistance and slaughtered the American politicians and soldiers. That night (May 5th, 2031), Carol sneaked into Macau and stop Karla from burning Oscorp Tower, but too late more
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