Fan CastingBela Santiago
Story about the daughter of Leo and Fani from Shooting My Life's Script
by Sarah L. Albuquerque
Story added by sarahlalbuquerque on June 30, 2020
Bela Santiago is an American teenager who was born in Los Angeles, to Brazilian parents, the famous filmmaker Fani C. Belluz and the journalist Leonardo Santiago.
Bela's life is the dream of any girl who wants to be an actress: she has seen the production of several Hollywood films and series up close, she has met several famous actors and directors...
But Bela has a slightly different dream: she wants to be a professional voice actress in Brazil, her parents' homeland.
Bela Santiago é uma adolescente estadunidense nascida em Los Angeles de pais brasileiros, a famosa cineasta Fani C. Belluz e o jornalista Leonardo Santiago.
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