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12 comments on Batman Unchained (1995)

  • nathanbates The villains’ evil plans were always such nonsense, even in Burton’s movies (what did The Joker want to do in Batman ‘89?) I wonder what he would have given a Robin Williams Riddler to do? Does he still want to suck out the I.Q. of Gotham’s citizens through a wifi tower?

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    • ringothedrummer   @nathanbates My idea for his plan is a bit different. In this, Edward has always been ignored, teased, and abused by others due to him being a nerdy type. He wants to be more than just Edward Nygma. Thus, back when Batman first appeared, he’s been fascinated with him. So he wonders, if Batman can a vigilante, why can’t he? So, his first gig is him being a vigilante called The Enigma. But after a few encounters from Batman, telling him to drop the whole thing. After feeling betrayed, he finally becomes The Riddler. In short, his plan is to show that he is more than nerd, even if he has to kill people.

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  • thepinkmenace You saw FanScription's video too?

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  • megaty777 Perfection

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  • s105042 I know that Matt Damon and Marlon Wayans are in there late 20s to play Robin, but what about Leonardo Dicaprio and Mark Wahlberg