Fan Casting Natalie Holt as Composer of Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime

user_156067 made this fan casting suggestion on February 1, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Natalie Holt as Composer in Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime

Natalie HoltUnited Kingdom

42 years old
Natalie Ann Holt (born 29 June 1982) is a British composer who has worked on numerous film and television projects. She is primarily recognised for her work on several notable productions, includin...
See Profile
Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime

Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime

DC Elseworlds
by Warner Brothers and DC Studios
Following the events of the civil war between the Justice League and Teen Titans, Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman, finds himself training yet another individual that has become a member of the ...
See Story

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0 comments on Natalie Holt as Composer in Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime

Natalie Holt is known for her roles in Journey's End, Pin Cushion, and The Princess. She has been suggested by fans for 204 roles on myCast, including Composers We Want To Compose in What We Want In The MonsterVerse. Similar people include Ludwig Göransson, Michael Giacchino, and Hans Zimmer. Natalie Holt was suggested to play Composer in Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime by user_156067. Batman And The Bluebird: Clown Prince of Crime has 31 roles, including ''Wanted: Unknown Arsonist'', ''Oh, not this again...'', and Luke Fox.

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