Fan CastingActivision × Sony Pictures Animation: The Crash Bandicoot Movie
by Columbia Pictures
Story added by user_98391 on November 13, 2023
The story begins with an N. Sane evil scientist called Dr. Neo Cortex, who, with the help of his assistant Dr. Nitrus Brio, devise experiments on animals to assemble a large army in charge of collecting as many precious jewels loaded with enough energy to power their immense and devastating mecha robot built by his co-assistant Dr. N. Gin, and thus finally complete his plan for world domination. However, something goes wrong with his latest experiment called Crash, which causes him to end up far from the villain's lair towards Wumpa Island, where he meets Aku Aku, an ancient island spirit reincarnated in a mystical Tiki mask who acts as a more
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