WaruMonzaemon is a Puppet Digimon. This fiendish-faced Puppet Digimon is a far cry from Monzaemon. It's on good terms with MetalEtemon, and it is said that the WaruMonzaemon plush toy it wears on its waist is something that WaruMonzaemon sent to it. Still, similar to Monzaemon, its true identity is unclear, but the peeking out of its strange, shining eyes from within is eerie. Its personality is the epitome of wickedness, and it is malicious and treacherous. Its left arm is equipped with the character "Evil" (惡 Waru?) and the powerful "Bear Claw",[3] which is based on Grizzlymon's "Kuma Tsume" (熊爪? lit. "Bear Claws").[4]read more