Ultraman Max (Series)
MebiusUltraman Max (ウルトラマンマックス, Urutoraman Makkusu) is the 18th entry in the Ultraman Series, and aired from July 2, 2005 to March 25, 2006. After the darker series Ultraman Nexus, Tsuburaya Productions opted for a more traditional formula with weekly monsters and a lighter theme.
On January 27, 2017, the television channel TOKU announced that series would be broadcast in the United States on its channel beginning February 27, 2017,[1][2] making it the fifth Ultraman Series to air in the United States after Ultraman, Ultraseven, Ultraman: Towards the Future, and Ultraman Tiga. Days later, it was confirmed to be dubbed in English.[3] The s...read more