The second comic run of The Punisher lasting from issues #1-#44 (1987-1991), #46-#48 (1991), #50-#62 (1991-1992), and #76 (1993), as well as the first four annuals in 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1991, Marvel Graphic Novel: The Punisher: Intruder #1 (1989), the third story of Classic Punisher #1 (1989), Punisher War Journal #16 (1990), #25-#37 (1990-1991), Punisher: G-Force #1 (1992), Punisher: Origin Micro Chip #1-#2 (1993), and Punisher: Empty Quarter #1 (1994). These issues introduced supporting characters including the hacker Microchip and his son Louis, the Punisher's dog Max. His enemies were normally terrorist organizations (Animal Liberation Army, Humans Off Planet, Underground Liberation Army, Revolutionary Jihad, Hydra), white supremacists (New Model Army, New American Revolution, Aryan Brotherhood), crime syndicates (Nubian Nation, Cartels, Rockhouse Operation, Mafia), and corrupt politicians (Stan Ori, Harold Meecham, Kingpin). Crossovers with Daredevil, Dan Ketch/Ghost Rider, Luke Cage, and Captain America were also featured.