Stanley Griff is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television series of the same first name. He is an imaginative young boy. He has a few pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a more
Stanley Griff has been suggested to play 17 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Stanley Griff is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television series of the same first name. He is an imaginative young boy. He has a few pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a dentist.
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