Shun'ei is a character from The King of Fighters series. He debut in The King of Fighters XIV as the new protagonist of the series and the main protagonist of the currently ongoing story arc, succeeding Kyo Kusanagi (Orochi Saga), K' (NESTS Chronicles) and Ash Crimson (Tales of Ash). His nickname is "Amped-up Illusionist" (増幅ぞうふくする幻影げんえい).read more
Shun'ei has been suggested to play 33 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Shun'ei is a character from The King of Fighters series. He debut in The King of Fighters XIV as the new protagonist of the series and the main protagonist of the currently ongoing story arc, succeeding Kyo Kusanagi (Orochi Saga), K' (NESTS Chronicles) and Ash Crimson (Tales of Ash). His nickname is "Amped-up Illusionist" (増幅ぞうふくする幻影げんえい).
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