Shredder Clones (TMNT)
The Shredder Clones, also known as the Shredder Elite Guard, Mutant Shredder Clones, Shredder Mutants, Mutant Shredders or Mutant Shredder Guards were a group of three entities that lived in Foot Clan Headquarters and villains in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Though their exact origins are a mystery, it is obvious that they are hideously mutated ninjas that wear apparel similar to the Shredder. The Shredder Clones consist of a large, four-armed Shredder (known as Multi-Arm Shredder in toy form, and Shiva Shredder on the 4Kids website), one with large, monstrous crustacean-like claws (known as Claw Shredder and Mutant Crab Shredder in more