Sartorius, known in Japan as Takuma Saio (斎王 琢磨 Saiō Takuma), serves as the main antagonist during the Society of Light arc in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime, but becomes an ally to the protagonists after his defeat. He is a fortune-teller and, under the influence of The Light of Destruction, he was poised to remake the world in the image most befitting to the extraterrestrial more
Sartorius has been suggested to play 2 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Sartorius, known in Japan as Takuma Saio (斎王 琢磨 Saiō Takuma), serves as the main antagonist during the Society of Light arc in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime, but becomes an ally to the protagonists after his defeat. He is a fortune-teller and, under the influence of The Light of Destruction, he was poised to remake the world in the image most befitting to the extraterrestrial entity.
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