Robin Buckley, portrayed by Maya Hawke, a main character in third and fourth seasons of Stranger Things. She worked at Scoops Ahoy located in the Starcourt Mall alongside Steve Harrington in the summer of 1985. As a former classmate of Steve, Robin enjoyed mocking him, as she harbored some jealousy towards him during high school because her crush, Tammy Thompson, was attracted to more
Robin Buckley has been suggested to play 285 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Robin Buckley, portrayed by Maya Hawke, a main character in third and fourth seasons of Stranger Things. She worked at Scoops Ahoy located in the Starcourt Mall alongside Steve Harrington in the summer of 1985. As a former classmate of Steve, Robin enjoyed mocking him, as she harbored some jealousy towards him during high school because her crush, Tammy Thompson, was attracted to him.
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