Pedro Yudi
Pedro Yudi - actor from Rio de Janeiro, 33 years old,
He belonged to Coletivo Peneira, performing the show “Urucuia Grande Sertão”, which toured the Southeast, South and Midwest regions. Winner of the BR Distribuidora/2016 public notice, among others.
Actor in the short film “O Nome do Dia” by Marcello Quintella (2014).
Actor/musician in the show “.1” (Cia. Teatro Autônomo) - Last performance - SESC Ipiranga in May 2017.
He is part of the art collective “Plano Coletivo” that produced the piece “Planta Baixa” 2017.
Children's show "Os Tomattos" at the Laura Alvim Theater in November 2017.
It is part of "Emergências Coletivo" that more