Gripping historical drama presents a triumphant celebration of the human spirit. The true-life story of how one Danish family risked their lives in a remarkable effort to save thousands of their Jewish countrymen from the horror of Nazi concentration camps. Hendrik and his doctor father undertake the dangerous task of deceiving the Nazis and hiding Jewish families. When the Koster men must themselves go into hiding, Henrik's sister and mother are left to face capture by the suspicious Gestapo.
Michael Lynch is a notorious criminal with two wives and a flair for showmanship. He's also a huge embarrassment to the local police, who are determined to bring him down once and for all.
Morten, a ten-year-old boy, is shrunk to the size of an insect due to a magical fog gun. Soon, he finds himself on his makeshift model ship sailing through a flooded cafe.
Top Casting Suggestions
Mario Rosenstock has been suggested to play 2 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.