Lan Hikari
Lan Hikari, known as Netto Hikari (光ひかり 熱斗ねっと Hikari Netto) in Japan, is the human protagonist of the Mega Man Battle Network series. His NetNavi is MegaMan.EXE. During the first half of the series, he is 11 years old and a 5th grader at ACDC Elementary School, but enters the 6th grade during the epilogue of Mega Man Battle Network 3 and has his 12th birthday around that time. His birthday is June 10th. [7]
Lan is the son of the world-renowned scientist Dr. Yuichiro Hikari and his wife Haruka Hikari, as well as the grandson of Tadashi Hikari. For most of the series, Lan's greatest wish is to become a famous NetBattler, though at the more