Bohee, a middle school student who lives with his mother learns one day that his father is alive. Feeling betrayed by his own mother, Bohee runs away from home and visits his half-sister Namhee with his best friend Nokyang to collect clues about his father.
Chang-sik, a retired man, lives with his wife, Gilsoon and her caretaker, Soo-ok, an illegal immigrant. One day, a bedsore develops on Gilsoon, which does not seem to heal. Even though Gilsoon is in poor shape, Soo-ok insists on taking time off on weekends. Chang-sik realizes Soo-ok is trying a sham marriage for a new visa. Upon hearing this, Chang-sik suggests they get married.
20-year-old Jeong-hee doesn't go to college and works part-time. She goes to meet Min-young, her old high school roommate, for the first time in a while and wants to play with her as before. However, Min-young, a college student, is busy sending correction emails for her credits and feels uncomfortable by Jeong-hee's visit.