Kamen Rider Gaim (Series)
Kamen Rider Gaim (仮面ライダー鎧武ガイム, Kamen Raidā Gaimu) is a Japanese tokusatsu drama in Toei Company's Kamen Rider Series, it is the fifteenth series in the Heisei period run and the twenty-eighth series overall. The series started on October 6, 2013 and joined joining Zyuden Sentai KyoryugerIcon-crosswiki in the Super Hero Time line-up three weeks after the finale of Kamen Rider Wizard. After Kyoryuger concluded on February 9, 2014, Kamen Rider Gaim was joined by Ressha Sentai ToQgerIcon-crosswiki.
The catchphrases for the series are "It's a Rider Sengoku era." (ライダー戦国時代。, Raidā Sengoku Jidai) and "How would you use your power?" (キミはこの力どう使う...read more