The film follows the lives of four childhood friends: Joon-seok, the leader, whose father is a powerful mob boss; Dong-su, whose father is an undertaker; class clown Jung-ho; and Sang-taek, an exemplary student. The story is the director's experience about his friends, a semi-autobiography set in his hometown, Busan. When it was released it was the highest-grossing Korean movie of all time.
This gangster comedy tells of a successful young mobster who has taken over the fashionable Myeongdong district of Seoul. When he mistakes the poet Yun Tong-ju for a liquor similar to dongdongju, his gang decides the boss's ignorance is an embarrassment. The gang takes up a collection and puts the boss back in high school.
A hit comedy in 2001, "My Boss, My Hero" finally has its sequel. This time our hero Doo-sik has become a senior in a college, studying to be a teacher himself. Doo-sik is now a student-teacher teaching ethics during the day while working as a gangster at night. His boss is still very determined to make Doo-sik keep on studying, while he himself has also gone back to high school as a student.
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Jung Woon-taek (정운택) is a South Korean actor.
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