José Carioca is an anthropomorphic Brazilian parrot that first appeared in Disney's 1943 animated feature film Saludos Amigos. A slick and debonair malandro from Rio de Janeiro, José befriended Donald Duck during the latter's trip to South America. In later years, José joined Donald and the rambunctious rooster Panchito Pistoles as a member of the Three more
José Carioca has been suggested to play 95 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
José Carioca is an anthropomorphic Brazilian parrot that first appeared in Disney's 1943 animated feature film Saludos Amigos. A slick and debonair malandro from Rio de Janeiro, José befriended Donald Duck during the latter's trip to South America. In later years, José joined Donald and the rambunctious rooster Panchito Pistoles as a member of the Three Caballeros.
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