An evil is unleashed in a small town when a logging company sets up shop in the neighboring woods. Isolated and threatened, a mysterious force hidden within the trees outside the small town of Maiden Woods, strikes fear in the townspeople as Sheriff Paul Shields attempts to overcome the demons of his past while protecting those that he loves.
After their parents abandon the family, a young woman works to take care of her younger siblings.
Judy is having trouble drumming up business for her vegetarian restaurant, and the landlord gives her four days to pay off the mortgage. Judy calls up her friend Marilyn Chambers for help, and together they transform the restaurant into the Bikini Bistro, replete with scantily clad waitresses. Soon business is booming and the women are falling in lust, but the bartender is skimming the till and the landlord's deadline is looming. Can the restaurant be saved?
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Joe Pallister is an American actor.
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