"It's an Udderful Life," also known as "A Barnyard Christmas Special," is a Christmas-themed episode from Back at the Barnyard from Season 2, This episode premiered on December 5, 2009. When Santa gets a case of ferret fever, Otis and the animals vow to make toys and deliver them on Christmas Eve.read more
It's an Udderful Life has been suggested to play 11 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
"It's an Udderful Life," also known as "A Barnyard Christmas Special," is a Christmas-themed episode from Back at the Barnyard from Season 2, This episode premiered on December 5, 2009. When Santa gets a case of ferret fever, Otis and the animals vow to make toys and deliver them on Christmas Eve.
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