I Want Candy
Age: 43 born January 1, 1982
English new wave group Bow Wow Wow released their version as the first and only single from their EP The Last of the Mohicans. For many in America, "I Want Candy" was their first introduction to young lead singer Annabella Lwin and the band. The song barely scraped the Top 50, but became an enduring new wave classic.[3]
To capitalize on the success of the "I Want Candy" music video, RCA compiled an album called I Want Candy for their newfound American audience. The album peaked at No. 123 on the Billboard 200.[4]
The Bow Wow Wow recording appeared on two VH1 countdowns:
No. 86 on VH1's "100 Greatest Songs of the '80s"[5]
No. 8 on...read more