Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
Kendra Saunders, nicknamed Hawkgirl by Cisco Ramon,[1] is a reincarnation of the Egyptian High Priestess Chay-Ara, the wife of Scythian Torvil, the mother of Alda Hall-Saunders, the ex-fiancée/close friend of Ray Palmer, and the ex-girlfriend of Cisco Ramon. In early 2016, Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall were recruited by the rogue time-captain Rip Hunter on a mission to take down Vandal Savage once and for all. Eventually, Savage ended up killing Carter, who was reincarnated into Scythian Torvil. After finally killing Savage, Kendra and Scythian left the Legends, until they were called years later along with other ex-Legends to save Mick ...read more