Goldramon is a Holy Dragon Digimon. One of the "Four Great Dragons", it is a God Dragon Digimon with six hardened wings and a body that shines gold. It wears a Holy Ring around its left arm.[2] Also, the tiny dragon Digimon sealed within the vambrace on Goldramon's right hand is called "Amon of the Crimson Flame" (紅炎のアモン Kouen no Amon?) (Amon of Red Flame), who governs over "Destruction", and the one sealed within the vambrace on its left hand is called "Umon of the Blue Lightning" (蒼雷のウモン Sourai no Umon?) (Umon of Blue Thunder), who governs over "Regeneration".[3][4] It exorcises evil with its fists of sacred light[5] and its more