Goku Black, usually referred to as Black, is the main antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. His true identity is Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu) from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 10. He is a former North Kai and Supreme Kai apprentice named Zamasu, serving his former master Gowasu in Goku's body due to a wish Zamasu made.read more
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Goku Black, usually referred to as Black, is the main antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. His true identity is Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu) from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 10. He is a former North Kai and Supreme Kai apprentice named Zamasu, serving his former master Gowasu in Goku's body due to a wish Zamasu made.
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