Future Boy Conan
Future Boy Conan (未来少年コナン, Mirai Shōnen Konan) is a Japanese post-apocalyptic science fiction anime series, which premiered across Japan on the NHK General TV channel between April 4 and October 31, 1978, on the Tuesday 19:30-20:00 timeslot. The official English title used by Nippon Animation is Conan, The Boy in Future. It is an adaptation of American science-fiction writer Alexander Key's 1970 novel The Incredible Tide.
A spin-off series, Future Boy Conan II: Taiga Adventure (未来少年コナンII タイガアドベンチャー, Mirai Shōnen Konan Tsū: Taiga Adobenchā), aired for 24 episodes on TBS from October 16, 1999 through April 1, 2000. None of the original ma...read more