The Extreme Omnivore will eat just about anything out of hunger or curiosity, so long as it looks like food. And sometimes even when it clearly doesn't. They don't fear the Lethal Chef, and you will never hear them say I Ate WHAT?!
There are two versions of this trope:
Unpicky Eater: The milder of the two and can apply to ordinary unpowered individuals. This character is willing to eat things that may be perfectly nutritious, but are either considered unhygienic (e.g., it fell on the floor, it's roadkill, another character has been eating it, or it's expired and/or spoiled), or taboo (e.g., insects, horseflesh) in that character's society. They may be indifferent to, or ignorant of, the social conventions that keep most people from eating those things, or they might be from another culture or species where such things are accepted. Perhaps they may just be so desperate for food that they don't care, in which case that would overlap with Too Desperate to Be Picky. Often they have a Bizarre Taste in Food. This version can exist in real life. They may also be the only one who likes food produced by the Cordon Bleugh Chef or the Lethal Chef.
Can Eat Anything: For super powered individuals there may be overlap with type one via Personality Powers. They can and will eat anything, even things that would make a person gravely sick if they consumed them in real life. Rocks, sticks, dirt, metal... heck they may even eat their plate too, and digest it with few ill effects. They can digest completely inedible items and may either have strong enough teeth to bite through said material or stomach acid that can digest it as a Required Secondary Power. Their stomach may also be able to hold an excessive amount of food. If a video game character, they are likely to be able to consume their foes whether living or not.
Both versions may also be open to the idea of cannibalism when the opportunity presents itself.
Please note that instances of someone being forced to eat something disgusting or inappropriate isn't Extreme Omnivorosity. Likewise for unintentional ingestion. A true Extreme Omnivore has a long-term pattern of eating everything knowingly, willingly, and usually cheerfully.
Compare Paste Eater. Horde of Alien Locusts can be an entire species of this. Extreme Omni-Goat is a Sub-Trope where this applies to goats, and Snack-Stealing Seagulls is one where this applies to gulls. A character like this is likely to be a Big Eater, though a Big Eater generally restricts themselves to things ordinarily considered food. Compare Extreme Omnisexual. Contrast Picky Eater and Unconventional Food Usage. Compare Fantastic Diet Requirement; while the Extreme Omnivore can eat almost anything, but doesn't typically require any one specific intake, someone with a Fantastic Diet Requirement needs to eat something unusual, usually a single specific thing, either exclusively or as part of their diet.
Don't Try This at Home, seriously. People have died trying to eat things not meant for human consumption. At best, you'll feel sick to your stomach. At worst, you'll die because of it.