Doraemon (1979 TV series)
Doraemon (ドラえもん, Doraemon) is a children's anime TV series created by Fujiko F. Fujio and based on the manga series of the same name. This anime is the successor of the 1973 anime. It was produced by Shin-Ei Animation and premiered on April 2, 1979 on TV Asahi.[1]
This Doraemon anime series is sometimes referred to in Asia as the Ōyama Edition (大山版), after Nobuyo Ōyama, the voice actress who voices Doraemon in this series.[2]
Two official English dubs of this anime series have been released, the first of which was called The Adventures of Albert and Sidney and was made in Canada by CINAR[3] and aired exclusively in Barbados on CBC more