Doctor Fate is a heroic legacy within the realm of magic created by Nabu, dedicated to safeguarding against malevolent forces and chaos. Usually based in the Tower of Fate located in Salem, Doctor Fate wield potent artifacts such as the Amulet of Anubis, the Cloak of Destiny, and the Helmet of Fate. These artifacts grant them extraordinary power, placing them among the most powerful magic users in the known universe. The character has been associated with notable superhero groups such as the Justice Society, Justice League, All-Star Squadron, Sentinels of Magic, and Justice League Dark.
Kent Nelson was initially selected by one of the Lords of Order, Nabu, to serve as a agent of order. Subsequently, Eric and Linda Strauss were chosen as successors and merged to form a dual identity. Inza Cramer, Kent's wife, briefly assumed the mantle as a agent of chaos until the events of Zero Hour. Following this, the legacy passed to Jared Stevens, a smuggler and agent of balance who simply adopted the name Fate. Hector Hall, the reincarnated son of Hawkman, later took up the mantle after Jared's passing. Tragically, Hector met his demise at the hands of the Spectre. Eventually, Kent V. Nelson, the grand-nephew of the original Fate, assumed the mantle as the Tenth Age of Magic began following the demise of Nabu and the other Lords of Order and Chaos. In the New 52 continuity, Khalid Nassour, another grand-nephew of Kent Nelson, is selected by the ancient Egyptian deities to serve as the agent of the Lords of Order.
Doctor Fate was created by Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman, first appearing in More Fun Comics #55 (1940).