Diana Guzman (portrayed by Michelle Rodriguez) is the main character in the American sports-drama film "Girlfight" (2000). Diana is a troubled Brooklyn high school student who decides to channel her aggression by training to become a boxer, despite the disapproval of both her father and her prospective trainers, as well as the competitors in the male-dominated sport.read more
Diana Guzman (Girlfight) has been suggested to play 9 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Diana Guzman (portrayed by Michelle Rodriguez) is the main character in the American sports-drama film "Girlfight" (2000). Diana is a troubled Brooklyn high school student who decides to channel her aggression by training to become a boxer, despite the disapproval of both her father and her prospective trainers, as well as the competitors in the male-dominated sport.
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