Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom (formerly Prince Fernando Strongbottom of the Iron Asses of Wales) ,[2], commonly known as Chef Pee Pee, is one of the main characters of the SML series. He is widely known as being the miserable slave/chef or butler of Bowser and Bowser Junior, and sometimes babysitter who doesn’t get paid well, if at all. He is also Bowser Junior's arch-rival.
He became Bowser's chef since 2011, but with a stupid behaviour. His behaviour matured as of 2013. By 2013, Chef Pee Pee had to deal with Bowser Junior's spoiled behaviour, which makes him angry and forcing the latter with no choice, since Bowser Junior cries about it and annoys Chef Pee Pee, so he has to get what he wants in order for him not to be sad. This doesn’t stop Bowser from abusing him and Bowser would threaten him most of the time if he doesn’t focus his job or doesn’t help Junior. He still gets payed poor. Until mid-2016, Chef Pee Pee stopped parenting Junior most of the time, and Bowser stepped into becoming a better parent to Junior. He still gets annoyed by Junior and Bowser, and even Junior's friends, such as Joseph and Cody and even Jeffy., and still gets payed poor as of today no matter how much time goes. Bowser does not threaten Chef Pee Pee as insulting, although Chef Pee Pee still He is a French-born, Italian-Welsh chef that works for Bowser and Junior as a slave or a henchman and (presumably) a butler.
Bowser and his family place all of their tasks on him even when he is simply trying to be happy and enjoy himself, no matter how simple they may be. Because of this, he is commonly seen very stressed out and can get sad or angry easily.
He usually cooks food for Bowser Junior when Junior requests for some food, but he will often make food for Bowser when he asks him to cook. Sometimes Bowser might hit and/or yell at him, and Junior might annoy him.
He also makes food for Mario and his friends usually without complaint because they ask nicely and stay out of his way, unlike Bowser and Junior.
He absolutely hates Junior and his friends and his least favorite thing in the world, Bowser (his boss), because of their attitudes, but he ends up never quitting his job (with the exception of the Chef Pee Pee Quits series). He likes to kill both of them as he happily kills Bowser, specifically when he turned evil.
He does a lot of hard work and doesn’t get payed well because of Bowser‘s dislike of his horrible cooking, his poor life with poor money and threatens Junior most the time when he’s around. He doesn’t know how to cook but gets better each time as Logan mentioned in one of his reactions. Sometimes he cooks well and doesn’t cook and buy food from stores, or even find something in the House. Sometimes he burns his food and thinks people needs “A little black in their lives" or makes a huge and disgusting mess.
He is usually around for Junior whenever he needs help or when he needs anything; Unlinke Bowser who doesn’t care about Junior mostly, or even at all and just watches Charleyyy and Friends in his room all day and only taking his own responsibilities for Charleyyy. Even if Chef Pee Pee thinks Junior is an annoying little brat, he has his back during the day; Saying “You're my brat” in Bowser Junior's Big Vacation! Chef Pee Pee is always taking his responsibilities and sacrifices to Junior and his friends. He gets paid around $5.00 a month.
As of now, no matter how much time goes on, he will still be Bowser’s personal chef and cook for him and be forced to deal with Junior’s disabilities.