Blacksad is a noir comic series written by Juan Díaz Canales with art by Juanjo Guarnido. The series follows John Blacksad, a private investigator in a world of anthromorphic animals, set in the 1950s United States. The stories often focus on period appropriate themes such as racism, the red scare, and more
Blacksad has been suggested to play 21 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Blacksad is a noir comic series written by Juan Díaz Canales with art by Juanjo Guarnido. The series follows John Blacksad, a private investigator in a world of anthromorphic animals, set in the 1950s United States. The stories often focus on period appropriate themes such as racism, the red scare, and corruption.
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