Fan Casting Christian Berkel as Gerhardt Schtitt in Infinite Jest

sjk28 made this fan casting suggestion on November 16, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Christian Berkel as Gerhardt Schtitt in Infinite Jest

Christian Berkel

67 years old
Christian Berkel (born October 28, 1957) is a German actor. Berkel was born in Berlin, Germany. His father was a military doctor. From the age of 14 he lived in Paris where he took drama lessons ...
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Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest

an Anthology on the
by David Foster Wallace
A novel about addiction, family, loneliness, entertainment and continental interdependence
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0 comments on Christian Berkel as Gerhardt Schtitt in Infinite Jest

Christian Berkel is known for his roles in Downfall, Valkyrie, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.. He has been suggested by fans for 16 roles on myCast, including German soldier and officer in World War II: The War in the Europe. Similar actors include Til Schweiger, Michael Fassbender, and Richard Sammel. Christian Berkel was suggested to play Gerhardt Schtitt in Infinite Jest by sjk28. Infinite Jest has 27 roles, including Joelle Van Dyne, Hal Incandenza, and Don Gately.

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