Boomer Vallory is comedic, big hearted, and brave he sometimes is headstrong, often using his brain instead of his brawn, and sometimes is not scared when shown the elements of Danger. He is a member of Team Yuki, consisting; Ky Yuki, Maya Kuso, and Himself. three duelists learning to save Jayden from Virtual Interspace. His Signature Monsters are Beast King Barbaros and Blue Eyes White Dragon. his good natured wit is the perfect balance between Ky's brashness, Maya's Reason, and Boomer's Humor At the ending of the Anime He said about Jaden and Alexis "You Gotta Admit They Make a Great Couple" Which makes Blair running for Boomer's Attention Which made Boomer Blush
Fan Casting
Aleks Le
Ben Diskin
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