Much like Shadow The Hedgehog, Golden The Hedgehog was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik as a Plan B for curing Maria in case Shadow failed him. But unlike Shadow, Golden was created from the DNA of Mephiles The Dark and never saw the light of day until Snively Robotnik awakened him to use against his father, Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Golden turned against Snively, and later joined forces with Sonic and his friends, forming a special bond with Shadow from their similar origins. Golden likes action movies, virtual reality, and the outdoors.
Fan Casting
Jack Quaid
Robert Pattinson
Dylan O'Brien
Timothée Chalamet
Henry Cavill
Sebastian Stan
John Boyega
Jon Hamm
Chris Pratt
Liam Hemsworth
Christian Bale
Grant Gustin
Armie Hammer
Dacre Montgomery
Jensen Ackles
Joe Keery
Bill Skarsgård
Hayden Christensen
Jake Gyllenhaal
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