Fan CastingYGO Kingdom Hearts: Digimon Adventure: (Uncut and Redub)
1x20 "The Seventh One Awakens"
by Disney/Toei Animation/Mercury Filmworks/Lil' Critter Workshop/Universal Cartoon
Story added by curtissummers on August 1, 2022
A Velgrmon appears and kidnaps T.K.. Tai and the others escape from inside Valvemon, who is destroyed by Velgrmon. As the Velgrmon escapes with T.K., a Megadramon appears to cover for its retreat and Leomon confronts him alone, allowing Tai, Spike, Tippy and Matt to chase after Velgrmon. Meanwhile, in the real world, the others make contact with their Digimon partners and learn that they escaped safely to the Network. In a combined effort, MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon stop Velgrmon while Matt, Tippy and Spike rescues T.K.. However, Velgrmon fights back and attempts to capture T.K. again when Angemon, who was restrained somewhere, more
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