Fan Casting Shauna Kain as Syrin in X-Men 2

christiandurand made this fan casting suggestion on September 9, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Shauna Kain as Syrin in X-Men 2

Shauna Kain

Shauna Nicole Kain is a actress of cinema and television American/Canadian. Its most recognized role is that of the mutant Siryn in the movie X-Men 2 about the famous comic series The X Men of Marv...
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Fan Casting

Shauna Kain




X-Men 2

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X-Men 2

X-Men 2

May 2 2003
by christian durad
professer X and the X-men go to alki lake to stop william stryker after he cause a young mutant who teams up with erick lensherr and mystique to kill the president logan relize he got his metal cl...
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Shauna Kain is known for her roles in X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, and Red Riding Hood. She has been suggested by fans for 13 roles on myCast, including Theresa Cassidy in X-Men 2: United (October 2011). Similar actors include Amanda Seyfried, Keira Knightley, and Sadie Sink. Shauna Kain was suggested to play Syrin in X-Men 2 by christiandurand. X-Men 2 has 18 roles, including Mystique, The Nightcrawler, and Storm.

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