Fan Casting Doug Walker as Cameos in Worst Movie

user_27319 made this fan casting suggestion on December 15, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Doug Walker as Cameos in Worst Movie

Doug WalkerUnited States

43 years old
Doug Walker is a film e-critic best known for his character The Nostalgia Critic from where he reviews movies and TV shows connected to childhood. He's appeared in Entrepreneur ...
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Worst Movie

Worst Movie

Try to think of the worst possible movie, ignoring the actual plot. Who would be the worst possible director? What about the worst protagonist, antagonist, or producer? This can include people who ...
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Doug Walker is known for his roles in Jesus, Bro!, Another Cinema Snob Movie, and Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie. He has been suggested by fans for 668 roles on myCast, including Batman in The WORST Batman Movie. Similar actors include Bill Hader, Jim Carrey, and Ryan Reynolds. Doug Walker was suggested to play Cameos in Worst Movie by user_27319. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Kim Kardashian, Bailee Madison, and Gina Carano. Worst Movie has 12 roles, including Female Lead, Male Lead, and Composer.

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