A quiet fairy from an upper-class family in the realm of Mabreoton stuck between wielding mind or air magic. She's been able to manipulate sound waves from a young age, but when her mother was dying, she began to unleash mind powers that let her feel others' emotions, much like her father's magic. She never had the time to learn how to fully control her magic before enrolling at Alfea, so she wears headphones to block out the sound of others' emotions and thoughts. She feels most comfortable without her headphones with few people, some being her best friend Aisha and classmate Riven.
Fan Casting
Shioli Kutsuna
Havana Rose Liu
Ashley Liao
Jennie Kim
Emily Li (Emei)
Beatrice Kristi Laus
Nina Lu
Kimie Tsukakoshi
Brianne Tju
Tiffany Espensen
Lyrica Okano
Fivel Stewart
Leah Lewis
Ouyang Nana
Aya Shalkar
Devyn Nekoda
Peyton Elizabeth Lee
Piper Curda
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